Offering Help and Hope to Those Who Serve


Christian Peer Resources is a biblical counseling ministry for firefighters who serve in the Phoenix metropolitan area. As firefighter peers who understand the unique stressors of life in the fire service, we are eager to help you face life's circumstances in ways that honor the Lord.

It is our aim to glorify God by making mature disciples of Jesus Christ among firefighters and their families.

About Christian Peer Resources

Everyone has a worldview. This worldview shapes the way people respond to the various circumstances of life. For Christians, their worldview is shaped by their shared faith in Jesus Christ and their belief that the Bible is the authoritative, inerrant, and sufficient word of God (Matthew 4:4; 2 Timothy 3:16; 2 Peter 1:21; Hebrews 4:12). Like anyone else, Christians face various struggles and desire to change certain aspects of their lives. Unlike many people however, the goal of personal change in a Christian’s life is not temporal happiness or comfort. Rather, the goal of personal transformation for believers is to become more like Jesus so that God would be honored (Matthew 5:16; Colossians 1:28; 1 Corinthians 10:31; Ephesians 4:22–24; 1 John 2:6; Revelation 4:11; 1 Peter 4:11). Christian Peer Resources (CPR) understands that this is a very different way of thinking when compared to the rest of today’s culture. This is the very reason CPR exists, however! Since Christians view the world from a unique perspective—depending on the Bible and their relationship with Jesus Christ to help them navigate through life—they need resources that will help them to face life’s challenges that align with their own worldview. Christian Peer Resources is a ministry which seeks to offer such help to firefighters and their families.

Meet our Team

Christian Peer Resources is a ministry consisting of firefighters who are passionate about helping others follow Jesus. Our counselors are not trained or licensed as psychotherapists or mental health professionals. Rather, they are firefighter peers who both understand the difficulties of a career in the fire service and have been trained to offer biblical counsel to firefighters. These counselors have earned certificates of completion from the Institute of Biblical Counseling and Discipleship and are eager to be used by God to help firefighters become more productive, stable, and spiritually mature individuals both on and off duty.

Though Christian Peer Resources team members love to provide biblical help to those in the fire service, they also recognize the importance of the local church in providing them long-term counsel and care (1 Peter 5:14; Hebrews 13:17). While it is helpful to seek the counsel and help of Christian-firefighter peers who understand the unique difficulties and stressors of a firefighter’s lifestyle, it is also vital for firefighters and their families to seek the care and counsel of the leadership of their own local churches. Therefore, Christian Peer Resources seeks to function as a liaison between the member seeking counsel and the leadership of healthy local churches that are committed to the shepherding standards set forth in the Bible. Ultimately, it is the goal of Christian Peer Resources to guide counseled individuals toward the long-term, sustainable care of healthy local churches.

Helpful Resources

Areas in which Christian Peer Resources can provide biblical help include, but are not limited to:

  • What is a Christian?

  • Anxiety

  • Sleep Deprivation

  • Cancer Support

  • Alcohol and Addictions

  • Financial Wellness/Stewardship

  • Depression

  •  PTSD

  • Creating Biblical Coping Skills

  • Relationships and Marriage

  • Gambling Addiction

  • Drug Abuse

  •  Parenting

  • Self-Harm/Suicide

“We proclaim Him, admonishing every man
and teaching every man with all wisdom, so that we may present every man complete in Christ."

-Colossians 1:28