
  • What is the Gospel?

    Being a Christian is more than identifying yourself with a particular religion or affirming a certain value system. Being a Christian means you have genuinely embraced the gospel of Jesus Christ. The gospel is the most important message that any person could ever hear, because it is the only message which clearly defines how sinful people can be reconciled to a Holy God. So, what is the gospel?

  • What is Biblical Counseling?

    There are many views of human behavior promoted by secular psychologists today. Often, these views contradict. Nevertheless, many in our culture simply entrust themselves to the care of these secular psychologists, believing that they will provide them with helpful solutions to their problems. How can a system like this, with so many competing views, be trusted? At CPR, we don’t believe it can. Instead, we believe that only the Bible provides the correct diagnoses and solutions to man’s problems. That’s why we believe biblical counseling is the only model of counseling which will ultimately meet man’s needs. So, what is biblical counseling?

  • Marriage

    The God-ordained institution of marriage is truly under attack in our world. Sadly, divorce is an all-too-common reality among firefighters. It does not have to be this way, however. By God’s grace, firefighters can glorify God in marriage as they live out the biblical principles He has set forth in His word.

  • Finances

    From the early years of one’s career when income is scarce, to the latter years when decisions about retirement must be made, finances often absorb much of a firefighter’s time and energy. Thankfully, the Bible has much to say about how to manage one’s finances in God-honoring ways.

  • Anxiety

    Firefighters are not immune to worry and anxiety. In fact, due to the nature of the calls we run, the lack of sleep we endure, the potential for injury we face, and the consistent exposures we sustain, many would say that firefighters have more reason to be anxious and worry than most people in our society. Thankfully, the Bible has answers for our anxiety.

  • Depression

    Just like anyone else, firefighters face challenging life circumstances, experience the loss of loved ones, endure relational difficulties, and suffer from debilitating illnesses and injuries. In addition, firefighters bear the emotional weight of helping others in the community through their own difficult circumstances in life. With these challenges facing today’s firefighter, it is vital to have a biblical understanding of depression and how it can be addressed.

  • Addictions

    Addictions are an unfortunately common problem in the world today. Not only do the people in the general public struggle with addictions, but members of the fire service are prone to them as well. Therefore, it is imperative to have a biblical understanding of addictions, and how they can be overcome.

  • Critical Incidents

    A career in the fire service exposes one to a variety of traumatic events. Firefighters often personally endure life-threatening incidents, the death or illness of a colleague, and personal injuries. Additionally, firefighters respond to a variety of critical incidents to provide emergency services to the public. Often, these traumatic experiences can lead to post-traumatic stress. The Bible is sufficient to offer hope and help to those in need.

  • The Faithful First Responder Podcast

    This podcast is run by the leaders of Christian Peer Resources and is intended to help first responders learn and apply biblical truth to their daily lives.