According to Scripture, marriage was created by God to be a lifelong covenant union of companionship between one man and one woman (Genesis 2:18–25; Malachi 2:14; Proverbs 2:17). The first marriage was initiated by God in the garden of Eden. There, as an act of God’s kindness toward man, God recognized that it was not good for man to be alone, so He created a suitable helper for him (Genesis 2:18). This suitable helper was the first woman, Eve. From the man, God created Eve and joined the two together in a one-flesh lifelong union (Genesis 2:22–25). Though both the man and his wife enjoyed equality as image-bearers of God, they were made to fulfill distinct roles in the family (Genesis 1:27). The woman was created to help her husband fulfill God’s commission to multiply and subdue the earth, and the man was to maintain loving leadership over his wife (Genesis 1:27–28; Genesis 2:18–25; Ephesians 5:22–33).

Sadly, the first man and his wife failed to obey God in the garden (Genesis 3:1–7). This act of disobedience brought sin and death into the world and led to severe consequences in the marriage relationship (Romans 5:12; Genesis 3:16). Henceforth, men and women would not enjoy the blissful companionship of a sinless relationship. Instead, their marriages would be marked by sin’s insidious presence (Genesis 2:16).


Despite sin’s destructive presence however, God’s grace remains sufficient to overcome sin’s power in the lives of His people (Romans 6:1–23). By God’s grace, He enables couples to reflect the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ as husbands and wives fulfill their God-given roles and remain wholeheartedly committed to one another throughout their lives (Ephesians 5:22–33). God’s ideal—even in a sin-stricken world—is that couples find great joy in their marriages as they love and care for each other according to His grand design. If you’d like to know more about how to cultivate a God-honoring marriage, contact us today.

For Personal Study:

When Sinners Say “I Do” by Dave Harvey What Did You Expect? by Paul Tripp Married for God by Christopher Ash This Momentary Marriage: A Parable of Permanence by John Piper Tying the Knot by Rob Green The Exemplary Husband by Stuart Scott The Excellent Wife by Martha Peace